How to buy an apartment in Turkey? Ask us!

Buying real estate in Turkey or Georgia remotely is almost the same to as if you were to travel there personally.

We offer to act as your representative, meaning you won't need to leave the country to finalize a deal. We guarantee full support at every stage, from property selection to document preparation and through to the transaction payment.

While investment activity in the real estate market was constrained by factors such as the continued remote work models during quarantine times, we are already witnessing a resurgence of investor interest in this segment. We also observe a renewed interest in retail assets from investors with experience in this sector. Experts anticipate a new surge in demand for spaces in shopping complexes and the hospitality sector. However, prospects in the office segment appear much more modest. Exceptions might be assets in business centers and specialized zones.

Our company provides the opportunity to pay for investment transactions in real estate using cryptocurrencies. In developing countries such as Turkey and Georgia, the use of cryptocurrencies is established at the legislative level.

If you want to buy an apartment but are unsure about which area to choose, we can help. We know the pitfalls of transactions and how to avoid them. We provide professional organization and support at every stage of remote real estate purchases.

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